• RuhanixEdu.com offer 1 day trial class absolutely free for the user. After his / her complete satisfaction he / she can enroll for the desired training program. During this trial period he / she has limited access to the student section and not able to download any content for it.
  • Once getting enrolled to the training program he /she has complete access to the student section and can download available content related to the program from there.
  • Once enrolled to the training program fee deposited will not be reimbursed on any cost.
  • The enrollment ownership will not be transferred to other candidate.
  • If we find any trainee involved in some activity which may harm the reputation of the company, we have all the rights to terminate his / her account and restrict one or all current or future use of the company products or services, without any accountability to him / her.
  • RuhanixEdu.com has full right to revise this fee /refund policy at any time and without prior notice.So see updated information on our website before joining the course.

For further clarification please emailĀ student@ruhanixedu.com

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